

PREP Gathering ingredients from the garden Violence is not the answer! Whoa, watch it, you could put your eye out with that. SKILL You're blinded by your own skills! You cut your finger! You cast THIRST! You are now thirsty. You don't even have any skills! What were you thinking? You cast Ultima! ...not enough SP! Zymase attempts to use a spoon but does not have enough SP.
DISPOSE Disposing is for cowards! Accept thy fate! A mysterious force prevents you from disposing. You attempt to dispose... but the drain was clogged! ITEM You forgot to buy anything good before you left Tantagel! You wasted all your USD on a fermentation kit. Next time be inventive! You used the CULINARY HERB! Now your breath smells. Better save them for the last boss. You use Erdrick's Glass Weights! ... it doesn't seem to have any effect.


PH 4.6
T 23.8
MP 0
USD $69

by thanks to jp00p

Try Again?